Ruby on Rails Online Training
Table of Contents
- Ruby on Rails History
- Environments & Editors
- Ruby Download & Installation
- Folder Structure and Gems(Libraries) Location
- Ruby Command Line Vs IRB & each %path%
- Puts Vs print
- Interpolution & Comments(single, multiple)
- Variable Types with Naming Convention
- Conditional and Controller Statements & Modifiers
- Operator Types
- Ruby Ranges & DateTime
- What is an Object in Ruby
- Numeric’s(Fix & Big)
- Object Types(Built in Objects)
- Strings
- Arrays
- Hashes
- Symbols
- Pre-defined methods
- Custom Methods
- Iteration(Iterators)
- Ruby Closures
- Blocks
- Procs
- Lambdas
- Modules & Mixins with Naming Conventions
- Expressions
- Files
- Basic Object Orientation Concepts with Naming Conventions + Polymorphism
- Introduction to Selenium.
- Installing Selenium
- Why ruby for Selenium.
- Data Types, String Class, If-Else
- Classes, Methods etc
- Loops – While, Do-While, For, Enhanced For
- Single Dimensional and Two Dimensional Array
- Access modifiers
- Function Input parameters and return types.
- All OOPs concepts
- Inheritance
- Abstraction
- Encapsulation
- Polymorphism
Understanding Selenium Webdriver
- Overview of Selenium Webdriver, pros and cons
- Understanding Object Identification
- Extracting Xpaths, CssSelectors
- WebDriver Interface
- Working with Firefox, IE, Chrome browsers
- Working with Firefox profile
- Identifying Web-Elements using id, name, linkname, class, xpath, tagname
Working with Web objects
- Handling Input box/buttons, list/selection/drop down boxes, radio buttons, check boxes
- Extracting links and other Web-Elements
- Extracting Data from WebTable
- Capturing screenshots
- Object Synchronization using Implicit and Explicit waits
- Handling pop-ups, frames, and windows
- Simulating the Keyboard and Mouse actions
TestNG and Grid
- Grid – executing selenium tests on different browsers
- annotations
- Understanding usage of annotations
- Running a test using selenium
- Batch running of tests
- Skipping tests
- Parameterizing tests – dataprovider
- Assertions/reporting errors
- reports
- ruby binding of selenium
Framework Development
- What is framework?
- Types Of Framework
- Difference between Data Driven, Keyword Driven, and Hybrid Driven Framework
- What is the use of framework?
- Development of Page Object Model
- Development of Framework